Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Experience at New York's New Year's Eve Ball Drop 2013

So I was in New York during the Christmas season, and I had an amazing time. The vibe is so different from Western Canada, and there is just so much to do!! We were there for seven days (overlapping Christmas and New Year's Eve). I was surprised by how busy the streets of New York was on Christmas day! Needless to say, the streets of my hometown would have been a ghost town.

So with being in New York during New Year's Eve (NYE), you would think the "MUST DO" is to see the ball drop, right? Answer: Sort of.

If you pre-purchased tickets to a restaurant in Times Square close to the Ball Drop. I would say 'hell yes!!' However, we were indecisive about dishing out $300 for a most likely mediocre dinner just to see the Ball Drop, so what did we do? We decided to go line up and wait for hours on end like everyone else. Was it fun? Sort of. Was it a once in a lifetime experience? Yes! Would I do it again? Hells no! Only if I have pre-purchased tickets.

1. It's a huge waste of time - So over-rated! If you want to see it, watch it on TV. It's pretty much the same.
2. It's f-ing cold
3. You literally have nothing to do
4. Once you're in, you cannot leave to go to the bathroom. How does ANYONE expect to defy a natural human process for 10 hours?! I am not a doctor, but I can tell you right now that is not healthy.
5. It is hugely disorganized and inconsistent/hypocritical

Now let me elaborate on #5, and before anyone corrects me, this was my experience and my observation. I am not in any way "bashing" the history of the Ball Drop or the people involved in the production/management of the event.

So here are my issues:
1. Poor communication - We got to Times Squares at roughly 2 p.m. in the afternoon. There were thousands of police officers standing around waiting for their orders. Cool. So we proceed to find a spot we were prepared to wait at for 10 hours. Good to go. When 2:45 p.m. rolls around, the police decided to kick into action by clearing everyone OUT of Times Square so that they can re-enter after they've been searched. Okay, that sounds reasonable. Slowly everyone files out. What was confusing next was WHERE to re-enter. No one knew! There seemed to be a lot of confusion from everyone. We waited in what everyone thought to be the line for re-entry but apparently was not. So we walked some more and finally one of the officer confirmed this to be "the line".

2.Inconsistency/hypocrisy - As we were being filed out of Times Square. Multiple police officers were saying: "If you have a bag or backpack, you are not getting in." Okay. That's expected. I had previously read this online, so I was prepared. I had the absolute essentials - money, passport, granola bars, hand-warmers, etc. The whole time we were in line, the police officers were pulling people out of the line for their bags and backpacks. Some "street vendors" outside Times Square were selling small camping chairs guaranteeing that they are allowed in. "We've been selling these for seven years, and they've never been confiscated, right officer?" With a tag line like that, how can you NOT believe them? The police officer acknowledged what they said! My boyfriend was sold, so he bought one for $20. I was still skeptical, so I didn't want one. GOOD THING I DIDN'T, because what happened when we were getting searched? They weren't allowed in. New York and this hustling business. Why am I not surprised?
What pissed me off the most wasn't the waste of $20. It's the fact that other people were able to get in with the chair AND a backpack! Are you serious? Now with me being the social justice/fairness type person, I pointed this out to the officer. "I thought backpacks weren't allowed inside." Response? "No, they're allowed." My rebuttal? "Had I known that exceptions were being made, I probably would have brought one." No response. Thank you, NYPD for being so selective.
When you're finally "in," it's even worse! Backpacks, bags, chairs, blankets, etc. - ALL INSIDE. This is all sh*t that are not supposed to be "inside." Can you imagine how annoying this is?

Long story short:
While I had fun in New York, the NYE Ball Drop "experience" (if you want to call it that) definitely dampened how much fun I had. I would not recommend lining up for the Ball Drop. It is a complete waste of time. Do something more fun on NYE rather than wait in line all day. It is not a great as it is made up to be. Save yourself the freezing hands and feet by enjoying it elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Euugh sorry to hear about that, it sounds terrible!! O_O;
