Tuesday, August 30, 2011

RECIPE: Cranberry Orange Scones

I baked these scones friday for a friend's BBQ on saturday. It was my first time baking scones EVER!! And they were delicious! But be warned, if you do not have the paddle attachment for your mixer, it'll gonna be difficult. I learned that hard way... I thought I could get by with the standard attachment, but that was a complete fail! The dough will get trapped in the beaters and slow the machine down, SO I had to do the rest of it by hand with a spatula! Just like medieval times probably!!
Anyway, here's the final result. (I chose to make them into wedges instead of circles. Obviously that wasn't the best idea...)
For the recipe, click here.

Please note that I did modify the recipe a little bit. The following are my modifications:
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 tablespoon grated orange zest

Happy Baking! :)

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