Monday, March 14, 2011

RANT: Video made by female UCLA student, "Asians in the Library."

When I saw that video, I thought, 'seriously? SERIOUSLY?' How can people be so ignorant? How can people be so stupid? If you have thoughts keep it to yourself! Don't post your idiocy for the world to see, because we all know Americans don't exactly have the best reputation for trying to understand people different from what is "American" (as you've so graciously pointed out). Other UCLA students are probably so embarassed by you, because now everyone is going to think all UCLA students are like you!

Don't go making quick judgements about a group when you don't even fully understand that group or their culture! Have you heard of the fundamental attribution error? How do you know that call wasn't important? Just because someone picks up their phone, you automatically attribute that to their "poor manners" for not knowing library etiquette.

Well, Alexandra Wallace, since you are a political science student, I hope you enjoy this backlash you've created. It might make a good topic for your poli sci paper. Dumbass.

By the way, IN CASE you didn't know because it doesn't seem like you do. Chinese people and Japanese people are from two different countries. CRAZY, I KNOW. Don't link the tsunami to your little rant to make it seem like you care about the victims there.

Honestly, go educate yourself and study more. You obviously need to and clearly do not spend ENOUGH time in the library.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

REVIEW: Hakuhodo Makeup Brushes (Fude)

Hakuhodo is a japanese brush company based in Japan, but they also have a corporate office in California. This company also makes brushes for Mac Cosmetics, but their own line of brushes blows Mac out of the water!!

Here is a video for more info:

I only have 3, and I bought them back in March 2010, but I can definitely attest to how soft these brushes are. Not only that, but my package got lost in the mail for awhile, and the company had great communication. The rep I corresponded with through email always replied in a timely manner (usually the next business day). They genuinely seemed to care and made a conscious effort to track the package down. I chose the shipping without insurance or tracking number, but I would say paying the extra is worth it! I have never been so anxious in my life!

So here are the brushes that I purchased: